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Disney Dreamlight Valley: Guide et récompenses complètes de la quête d'Aladdin

Auteur: Anonyme Date de mise à jour: 2025-03-15

Disney Dreamlight Valley a finalement ajouté Aladdin et Princess Jasmine au jeu dans la mise à jour gratuite des contes d'Agrabah, permettant aux joueurs de déplacer les deux personnages à Dreamlight Valley. Here are all of the Aladdin quests and rewards from his Friendship Path, as well as how to unlock them.

Aladdin's Friendship Quests in Disney Dreamlight Valley

Immediately after arriving in Dreamlight Valley, Aladdin will ask the player to hang out with the Magic Carpet and take a photo with it. Équipez le tapis en tant que compagnon dans le menu de la garde-robe, puis prenez un selfie pour terminer la quête «Carpet Diem», qui commence dans le royaume d'Agrabah.

Good As Gold (Level 2 Friendship)


Level Aladdin up by giving him his favorite gifts to trigger his Level 2 quest, “Good As Gold.” Aladdin tells you that his old pal Scrooge McDuck wants help testing his new security system, so he needs the pair of you to case the joint. Your first task is to talk to Scrooge, then take photos in his shop.

  • A door that guards more treasure than the Cave of Wonders.
  • A way to reach the second floor of the shop (x2).
  • Ways to make quick escapes from the guards (x3).

Take photos of the vault door behind the desk and both staircases. Try to get the broadest possible shots to satisfy all three requirements in just a couple of photos. Then, talk to Aladdin about the next part of the plan. He'll tell you to dress in dark, sporty clothing. It's optional to wait for nightfall (6 pm to 6 am) to change clothes and start the next part of the quest.

Once you're outfitted for espionage, go inside the shop and talk to Aladdin. He'll instruct you to press the big, red button on the wall to the left of the counter to start Scrooge's security system test. This transforms the store into its “closed” state (which doesn't usually exist). In place of item displays, there are large pools of light and buttons that turn them on/off or move their locations. Appuyez sur les boutons pour naviguer en bas et appuyez sur le bouton à gauche du compteur (le même que vous avez appuyé pour démarrer le test) sans vous faire prendre.

It may take some trial and error to figure out what buttons control what lights and how. Start with the center button Aladdin points toward, then move toward the back right wall to turn off two of the upstairs lights. Next, press the button above the right staircase to move the spotlight away from the button above the left staircase. Appuyez sur le bouton au-dessus de l'escalier gauche pour éteindre la lumière qui n'est pas au-dessus du bouton central que vous avez appuyé en premier, puis appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton central pour éteindre la lumière en bas de l'escalier droit.

Downstairs, press the button on the right side of the counter to move the spotlight at the front door toward the staircase you just descended. Next, walk over to the button on the left display counter to turn off the light over the one you pressed to start the security test. Press the button to the left side of the counter, then speak to Aladdin in front of the vault.

Coins will begin to float around the shop. Collect all four by gliding and smashing the interact button when you get close enough. Give the coins to Aladdin. He informs you that some of the coins escaped into Dreamlight Valley, and you have to catch the rest. Apparently, Scrooge's “new security” includes enchanted coins that escape when they're being stolen.

Exit the shop. The game will place you in front of your house, allowing you to once again glide around and catch the rest of the coins. There are nine to collect this time, and they can seemingly go anywhere. Next, go inside Jasmine and Aladdin's house and give him the rest of the coins. He'll add them to a growing pile of Scrooge's gold.

Your next task is to take a photo with Aladdin and the gold. Then, go outside and listen to Aladdin and Scrooge discuss the mission. Talk to Aladdin one last time to complete the “Good As Gold” Level 2 Friendship quest.

Bring Your Own Carpet (Level 4 Friendship)

Maintenant qu'il vit à Dreamlight Valley, Aladdin veut que vous fassiez tous les deux un tapis magique de Dreamlight similaire à son compagnon de longue date qui est venu avec lui et la princesse Jasmine d'Agrabah.

Tout d'abord, parlez à Merlin, qui vous dira de rechercher la bibliothèque Dreamlight trois livres sur l'enchantement en tissu, le tissage de tapis et la technique de vol. Vous les trouverez sur le sol à côté de la pile du livre dans le coin arrière gauche de la bibliothèque, sur l'étagère contre le mur arrière droit et à gauche du bureau au centre de la pièce.

Once you have the books, give them to Aladdin to begin researching. He'll send you to Minnie for help making the Dreamlight Magic Carpet. Gather the following supplies and bring them to Jasmine and Aladdin's house.

  • 4 Dream Shards
  • 4 Blue Hydrangeas (Dazzle Beach)
  • 4 Purple Bell Flowers (Forest of Valor)
  • 25 Fiber (Kristoff's Stall, Crafting)

Give Aladdin the carpet supplies and wait for him to make the Dreamlight Magic Carpet. Then, accept the Magic Scroll from him and interact with the carpet lying on the floor beneath Aladdin's feet to make it fly. Talk to Aladdin again and accept the carpet from him, then follow him to the entrance of the Disney castle.

He reveals he's set up a tour around the Valley for you to see the sights on your new magic carpet and gives you snacks to keep your energy up. C'est parce que le tapis magique de Dreamlight est une peau de planeur, ce qui signifie que vous devrez manger suffisamment de repas préparés pour trop remplir votre barre d'énergie (ce qui le rend jaune) pour l'utiliser.


Equip the Dreamlight Magic Carpet from the wardrobe menu. Start the tour by gliding under the banner in the Plaza's main square, then turn left towards the Forest of Valor. Glide across the forest and turn right to go down the ramp to Dazzle Beach. Turn immediately right to glide up the ramp into the Peaceful Meadow, then left to go down the stairs back to Dazzle Beach. Hang a left to cross the bridge, then right to glide to the end of the pier. Make sure to track the quest from your menu screen so if you get lost, you can use the instructions to get back on track.

Remarque: Bien que le tapis magique de Dreamlight donne l'impression que le PC vole, il fonctionne comme tous les autres planeurs de Disney Dreamlight Valley - ce qui signifie que les obstacles au sol entraveront vos progrès de la même manière. Unfortunately, you can't simply fly over objects by equipping the carpet.

After you reach the end of the pier, talk to Aladdin to complete the “Bring Your Own Carpet” Level 4 Friendship quest.

All That Glitters (Level 7 Friendship)

When Aladdin reaches Friendship Level 7 in Disney Dreamlight Valley , talking to him will unlock the quest “All That Glitters.” Il révèle qu'il fait un bouquet pour le jasmin et qu'il veut que ce soit encore plus impressionnant que les jardins du palais d'Agrabah, où elle passait la majorité de son temps. Your offer of help excites him, and he asks you to help gather more flowers to take the bouquet above and beyond.

Gather 4 yellow flowers (any type) and 6 purple flowers (any type), then bring them to Aladdin. Listen as he gives Jasmine the bouquet and experience his disappointment when she says the flowers are just as beautiful as the palace gardens.

Talk to him again and listen as he explains that he wants to give her something she loves . He recalls the scroll Scrooge McDuck gave him after he arrived in Dreamlight Valley and asks for your help finding the treasure it describes. If you point out that Jasmine loves adventuring, he'll tell you that just this once, he wants to surprise her.

Aladdin's scroll says, “To begin at the mermaid's isle.” Go to the raft on Skull Island and interact with it to travel to the isle where you found Ariel. Once there, go to the upper right side of the peninsula and pick up the Golden Sun Piece that's lying on the ground. Then, insert it into the tall rock to the left of where you entered.

Talk to Aladdin about the image of the broken-down pillar that appeared. Walk straight north from the rock where you just inserted the Golden Sun Piece and use your shovel to dig up the box buried in the sand. Then, fish up the piece of the pillar that's in the golden circles next to the raft. Finally, open the barrel near where you found the Golden Sun Piece.

Interact with the Pillar to add the two pieces you found. Nothing happens. Talk to Aladdin, who asks if someone in Dreamlight Valley might know what's missing. Next, interact with the Pillar and then take a photo of it. Return to the Valley.


Talk to Maui, Ariel, and Rapunzel about the Pillar. None of them have any idea what the Pillar is or what the symbols mean, so it's back to square one. Return to Ariel's island. Surprendre! Jasmine is there, and she says she heard you needed help and that her studies might be a boon. She explains that the pieces of the Pillar rotate and that there must be clues somewhere on the island to explain what order they need to be in.

Interact with the Golden Sun Piece to get the clue: “From the tiniest seed, water creates blooms as tall as golden towers.” Face the Pillar with your back to the Golden Sun Piece and interact to move the middle piece until it shows water. Then, interact with the left side of the Pillar to move the bottom piece until it shows a seed. Finally, interact with the right side of the Pillar to move the top piece until it shows a flower.

Collect the treasure that appears in the water to the left of the Pillar. Give it to Aladdin and listen as he shows it to Jasmine. She tells him the true treasure is a lifetime of adventure with him, and he has a moment of embarrassment about it but ultimately agrees. Parlez-lui une fois de plus pour accepter le trésor - un objet de meubles de thé en or - et complétez la quête d'amitié de niveau 7 «Tout ce qui brille».

CONNEXES: Comment obtenir et utiliser la mijoteuse à Disney Dreamlight Valley

Rewards from Aladdin's Friendship Path in Disney Dreamlight Valley


La mise à niveau de votre amitié avec Aladdin à Disney Dreamlight Valley dépend de la discussion avec lui chaque jour, de maximiser ses cadeaux préférés en lui donnant trois chaque jour et en lui apportant avec vous pendant que vous effectuez des tâches. Si Aladdin apparaît dans le palais de Tiana ou Chez Remy, lui servant un repas augmentera également votre lien, surtout s'il demande un plat 4 ou 5 étoiles.

At each new level of friendship, Aladdin will reward you with the following items.

Character Level Récompense Type de récompense
2 Tasseled Red Cushion Meubles
3 Design Motif Motif
4 500 Star Coins Devise
5 Desert Bloom Coffee Table Meubles
6 Design Motif Motif
7 1,000 Star Coins Devise
8 Red Nook Window Meubles
9 Design Motif Motif
10 Diamond in the Rough Loafers Vêtements
10 Diamond in the Rough Top Vêtements
10 Diamond in the Rough Trousers Vêtements
10 Diamond in the Rough Vest Vêtements

That's the complete Disney Dreamlight Valley Aladdin quest guide and all of his friendship rewards.

Disney Dreamlight Valley est disponible pour iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation et Xbox.

This guide will be updated as quests are completed. Check back for new info!