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GF2 Exilium Characters Liste de niveau et guide de relance [Station d'arrêt]

Auteur: Anonyme Date de mise à jour: 2025-03-25

The Dolls you deploy in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium define your battle outcomes. With each Doll bringing unique skills and attributes to the field, choosing the right ones can significantly impact your success. Pour vous aider à élaborer des stratégies gagnantes, nous avons mis en place une liste de niveaux de niveau Frontline 2: Exilium des personnages, évaluant les meilleures unités en fonction de leur efficacité globale, de leur polyvalence et de leur synergie avec les autres.

Girl Frontline 2 Exilium Tier List - All Dolls Ranked (2025)

Étage Dolls
S Daiyan, Makiatto, Qiongjiu, Suomi, Tololo
UN Ksenia, Lotta, Sabrina, Sharkry
B Colphne, Dushevnaya, Mosin-Nagant, Papasha, Peritya
C Cheeta, Groza, Littara, Nagant, Nemesis, Ullrid
D Krolik, Vepley

Dolls in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium are divided into SR and SSR rarities, but that doesn't mean all SSR characters are superior to SR. Alors que les SSR répertorient souvent les niveaux de premier plan grâce à leurs statistiques et capacités puissantes, certains SR excellent en raison de leur fiabilité ou de leur force dans un certain créneau. This GF2: Exilium Tier List highlights the pros and cons of each Doll so you know which ones are worth your resources.

S Tier - Best Characters in GFL2 Exilium

Poupée Pour les avantages et les inconvénients

(SSR Vanguard)
+ Exceptional movement
+ Arguably the best Stability breaker unit
-Average damage dealer

(Support SSR)
+ Guérisseur
+ Shielder
+ Tampon
+ Débuffer
+ Strongest shield in the game
-Low damage

(SSR Sentinel)
+ Excellent damage
+ Sniper range
+ Huge Crit Rate
-Needs to stay at high HP for some of her buffs

(SSR Sentinel)
+ High single target damage
+ Brûler

(SSR Sentinel)
+ 2 Action Phases at the start of battle
+ Great damage
-Single Target only
-Perimes Gestion prudente de la jauge de contamination

The best at what they do, boasting unmatched damage, healing, or general utility. They excel in any team composition and serve as the backbone of any top-tier team. Investing in these units is a guaranteed way to elevate your gameplay.

Un niveau

Poupée Pour les avantages et les inconvénients
Requin + High Single Target damage
+ Main Doll for Burn teams
+ Excellent stability-lowering abilities
-Single Target damage only
Ksenia + Guérisseur
+ Tampon
+ Débuffer
+ Great for Burn teams
-Single Target healing only
Lotta + Knockback Ability
+ Cover destruction
+ Easy to V6
Sabrina + Tampon
+ Débuffer
-AOE only

Reliable and effective, these units perform consistently well in most scenarios. Bien qu'ils ne puissent pas atteindre la puissance écrasante du niveau S, ils excellent dans des rôles ou des niches spécifiques, ce qui en fait un composant central dans les bonnes situations.


Poupée Pour les avantages et les inconvénients
+ Freeze damage
+ Good freeze debuff options
-Not good enough buffs for an SSR unit
Papasha + Robot works as an extra unit on the field
+ Easy to V6
-Robot dies easily, which significantly lowers her overall DPS
Mosine + Gamme
+ High Single Target damage
+ Paralysie
+ Action Support
-Needs Support that clears Stability to trigger Action Support consistently
Péritya + AOE Corrosion damage specialist
+ Grenades can move enemies
-AOE attacks only
-Low Stability damage
Colphne + Guérisseur
+ Tampon
+ High Healing output
+ Stability recovery
-ATK Buff only
-Low damage

Solid options for specific roles or strategies, these units can hold their own with the right synergy. However, they lack the raw power or versatility of higher-tier units, often requiring more investment to reach their potential.

Niveau C

Poupée Pour les avantages et les inconvénients
(SR Support)
+ Powerful Healer
+ Débuffer
+ Tampon
+ Ultimate deals damage, Heals, and applies 4 Buffs
-Low attack
-Buffs are random with inconsistent durations
-Can't heal Stability
Némésis + High damage potential
+ Gamme
+ Débuffer
+ Support Attack
-Ultimate requires proper timing for max damage
-Low mobility
Grain + Single target and AOE attacks
+ Tampon
+ Works in a variety of teams
-Master of none
-Other units cover her strengths better
Ullrid + Camouflage ability
+ High Burst damage
+ Mobilité
-Low Stability damage
-Long Cooldowns
-Melee range only
Littara + Débuffer
+ Low investment support
-AOE damage only
Nagant +Debuffer
+Applies stun to debuffed enemies
-Low attack
-Short Duffing Durée

These units are situational, thriving only in specific teams or battle scenarios. They often struggle to keep up in tougher battles, and usually, there is a better alternative available. While they are fine for early-game use, they'll likely be replaced as you progress through the game.

Niveau D

Poupée Pour les avantages et les inconvénients
Krolik + High Mobility
+ Extra Movement
-Low Stability
-Meele Range Only
Veple + Mobilité
+ Single target and AOE attacks
+ Knockback ability
-Movement Failure bane

In the current meta, these units offer limited utility and struggle to compete with higher-tier options. While they may not be considered worth building, they aren't entirely useless and may still have niche uses or be fun to play.

How to Reroll in GF2 Exilium

Rerolling in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium is simple, yet not essential to enjoy the game. Bien que la sécurisation des meilleurs personnages puisse vous faciliter le jeu, la chose la plus importante est de tirer les personnages qui vous intéressent. Gardez à l'esprit que la méta peut toujours changer à l'avenir, et les personnages de niveau intermédiaire peuvent toujours bien performer avec la bonne stratégie, l'investissement et l'équipe.

To reroll your account, the trick is to start playing as a Guest , rather than signing up for the game. If you are unsatisfied with your initial pulls, restart the game and make a new account as a guest until you achieve your desired results. For more summons, don't forget to input Girl Frontline 2: Exilium Codes! Once you're happy with your lineup, link your account to save your progress.

If you're looking for codes for other games, check out Roblox Game Codes for an extensive list!