Disney Dreamlight Valley has finally brought Aladdin and Princess Jasmine to the game with the Tales of Agrabah free update. Here's the complete Jasmine quest guide and rewards from her Friendship Path, including how to unlock them.
Setelah memasuki Agrabah dan mengundang Jasmine ke Dreamlight Valley, berdiskusi setiap hari dengannya dan memberinya hadiah untuk membawanya ke Level Persahabatan 2. Ini akan membuka kunci pencarian pertamanya, "The Enchanted Flower," yang meluncurkan alur cerita utamanya di Disney Dreamlight Valley .
Untuk memulai pencarian “The Enchanted Flower”, pilih Quest dari menu interaksi Jasmine dan dengarkan ceritanya tentang catatan misterius di belakang laci di rumahnya. It's in her handwriting, but she has no memory of writing it. Jasmine says the note contains instructions for how to make Enchanted Pots of Blooming, and she thinks Merlin may have more information.
Selanjutnya, bicaralah dengan Merlin, yang menjelaskan bahwa pot mekar yang terpesona adalah pot ajaib yang dapat menumbuhkan "bunga terpesona yang berisi rahasia." There are seeds in an envelope hidden in the Dreamlight Library.
Enter the library and interact with the table to the right to get the envelope, then give it to Jasmine. She recalls needing to keep something safe from harm, though she can't remember what.
Next, gather three daisies (any color) and two rising penstemons (any color) and then craft three Enchanted Pots of Blooming. Each one requires 15 Soil and 5 Dream Shards, so you'll need 45 Soil and 15 Dream Shards total.
Give the pots to Jasmine, then talk to her inside her house. She'll ask you to place the daisies and rising penstemons in the pots, which are positioned around the room. Anda dapat menggunakan buku itu tentang kesombongannya untuk mempelajari bunga mana yang ada di pot apa: "Sementara Daisy yang cerah membutuhkan jendela untuk berkembang, Penstemon yang naik adalah bunga yang lebih suka bayangan." Tempatkan penstemon di sudut di belakang meja kopi, bunga aster di sebelah kesombongan, penstemon di sebelah pintu masuk, dan dua aster di bawah jendela di seberang meja rias.
You should notice that the Enchanted Flower in the middle of the room has bloomed, and there's a locked diary in the center of it. Talk to Jasmine about this discovery. The diary has two locks, and she says she'll take time to translate the writing on it and let you know when she's ready for next steps. This concludes Jasmine's “The Enchanted Flower” quest.
Jasmine figures out that Sea Sand Sparks are required to craft one of the two keys needed to open the secret diary in the Enchanted Flower. She doesn't know what those are or where to get them, and neither does the PC, so your next task is to talk to Moana.
According to Moana, there's only one place to get Sea Sand Sparks: from a Sea Sand Torch, which is a special magical item. You'll need to gather the following materials and give them to Moana to craft the torch:
Moana tells you to place the Sea Sand Torch anywhere on Dazzle Beach. Enter the Furniture Editor, choose a spot that's easy to access, and place the item. Talk to Jasmine. Then, meet her next to the Sea Sand Torch and talk to her again. Jasmine akan mengambil percikan pasir laut dari obor dan memberikannya kepada Anda, lalu jelaskan bahwa Anda sekarang perlu menemukan sesuatu yang dikenal sebagai bintang laut khusus.
Next, talk to Maui about the Special Starfish – a one-of-a-kind, super rare sea creature that only he has ever managed to catch. But he won't hand it over unless you beat him in a competition of your choosing. Talk to Jasmine to determine what kind of competition you want to do. Whatever dialogue options you choose, you ultimately decide to do a Sand Castle Competition (hence the quest name).
Listen to Jasmine and Maui talk about the Sand Castle Competition, then craft a Sandcastle Kit. Catatan: Bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat barang -barang ini dalam "kompetisi berpasir" lebih dari bahan yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat barang yang sama setelah mereka tidak terkunci.
Barang | Bahan | Kuantitas |
Pintu sandcastle | 10 Sand 3 Clay 1 rumput laut | 1 |
Dinding Sandcastle | 15 Sand 5 Clay 2 rumput laut | 3 |
Sandcastle Corner Tower | 25 Sand 6 Clay 4 Seaweed | 4 |
Once you have the Sandcastle Door, Sandcastle Walls, and Sandcastle Corner Towers, talk to Jasmine. She'll offer a Castle Centerpiece that she crafted in her childhood, which completes your entry for the competition. Place all 9 furniture pieces anywhere on Dazzle Beach, then talk to Maui. Listen to him and Jasmine talk about the competition on Dazzle Beach. When they finish, talk to Jasmine to get the Special Starfish.
Take the Sea Sand Sparks and Special Starfish to a craft bench and craft the Beach Key. Next, go inside Jasmine and Aladdin's house and interact with the secret diary in the Enchanted Flower. Unlocking the first lock helps you remember that this is your secret diary from childhood; Jasmine was keeping it safe.
Talk to Jasmine to complete the “A Sandy Competition” friendship quest in Disney Dreamlight Valley .
Pada awal pencarian persahabatan "panas dan dingin", Jasmine mengungkapkan bahwa ia menemukan ukiran kerang di belakang kunci pertama di buku harian, yang membuatnya menyelidiki kunci kedua. It shows a snowflake, which prompts her to talk about how fascinating she finds snow since there isn't any in Agrabah.
Talk to Elsa, who informs you of a block of unbreakable ice and a chest that recently appeared in her cave. Go into her cave and talk to her again. There are two pedestals on either side of the chest. One has a sun symbol and the other has a snowflake symbol. Ambil foto alas untuk referensi, lalu pergi temukan dan potret simbol -simbol di sekitar dataran tinggi yang diterangi matahari dan ketinggian yang membeku.
Sun symbol locations:
Snowflake symbol locations:
Return to Elsa's cave. The ice has melted, and you can interact with the chest to take the second key. Talk to Jasmine, then go to her and Aladdin's house.
The Enchanted Flower is missing! Talk to Jasmine to determine what might have happened, then follow her to the Plaza to investigate. Talk to Jasmine again and then follow the trail of large flower petals to the giant willow tree in the Glade of Trust.
Go inside Mother Gothel's house and confront her about taking the Enchanted Flower. She doesn't put up much of a fight, so you're free to take the flower and return to Aladdin and Jasmine's house.
Once the flower is back in its rightful home, interact with it to use the Ice Key on the second lock. This time, the journal falls out. Ambil dan berikan kepada Jasmine, lalu bicarakan isinya untuk menyelesaikan pencarian persahabatan Level 7 "panas dan dingin" di Disney Dreamlight Valley .
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Untuk meningkatkan persahabatan dengan Jasmine di Disney Dreamlight Valley , berdiskusi dengannya setiap hari, memaksimalkan hadiah favoritnya dengan memberinya tiga hari, dan membawanya bersamamu saat Anda melakukan tugas. Jika Anda melihatnya di Chez Remy atau Istana Tiana, pastikan untuk menyajikan makanan sebelum dia pergi, karena ini dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan ikatan Anda dengannya.
As you level up friendship with Jasmine, she'll reward you with the following gifts.
Character Level | Hadiah | Reward Type |
2 | Ornate Blue Door | Mebel |
3 | Design Motif | Motif |
4 | 500 Star Coins | Mata uang |
5 | Elegant Chaise | Mebel |
6 | Design Motif | Motif |
7 | 1,000 Star Coins | Mata uang |
8 | Pillar and Curtains | Mebel |
9 | Design Motif | Motif |
10 | Desert Bloom Necklace | Pakaian |
10 | Desert Bloom Slip-Ons | Pakaian |
10 | Desert Bloom Top | Pakaian |
10 | Desert Bloom Trousers | Pakaian |
That's the complete Disney Dreamlight Valley Jasmine quest guide and all of her friendship rewards.
Disney Dreamlight Valley tersedia untuk iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation, dan Xbox.
This guide will be updated as quests are completed. Check back for new info!