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Haruskah Anda membantu Prochek atau Olbram di Kingdom Come Deliverance 2? (Panduan pencarian tikus & katak)

pengarang: Anonim Perbarui waktu: 2025-03-27

Di awal Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , Anda akan dapat melakukan pencarian sampingan di dua pemukiman yang berbeda, mengadu Anda dengan satu atau yang lain. Jika Anda bertanya -tanya apakah Anda harus membantu Prochek atau Olbram dalam pencarian tikus atau katak di Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , inilah yang perlu Anda ketahui.

Daftar isi

  • Can You Help Both Prochek and Olbram in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?
  • Should You Choose Prochek or Olbram in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?
  • How to Start Mice for Prochek in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
    • Get the Dye and Lullaby Potion
  • How to Start Frogs for Olbram in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
    • Steal the Maypole

Can You Help Both Prochek and Olbram in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2?

Orang -orang Tachov dan Zhelejov saling membenci di Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 , tetapi kabar baiknya adalah bahwa sebenarnya mungkin untuk melakukan sebagian besar pencarian untuk Prochek dan Olbram jika Anda memainkan kartu Anda dengan benar. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin latar belakang dari dua pemukiman, dan meskipun tidak mungkin untuk mencapai hasil yang menguntungkan untuk kedua belah pihak, setidaknya memungkinkan Anda melihat lebih banyak tentang apa yang ditawarkan permainan.

Should You Choose Prochek or Olbram in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2?

On the other hand, if you really only want to pick one side, there's really no difference in either choice. Both men want to sabotage each other, and it just comes down to which task you think is funnies.

Olbram wants you to steal the Zhelejov maypole, which requires you to sneak towards it at night and lure the guard away. Prochek wants you to paint Olbram's bull blue, which requires you to get a recipe from Radovan, as well as some dye from the tailor.

In terms of difficulty, I'd say that Prochek's task is a little harder, especially if you're doing these quests early on. Anda mungkin tidak memiliki cukup Groschen atau pidato yang cukup tinggi untuk dapat menavigasi melalui beberapa pemeriksaan dialog mereka, dan mungkin lebih mudah untuk memihak Olbram.

Regardless of what you choose, I'll go over both questlines in more detail below.

How to Start Mice for Prochek in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

You can start the Mice quest just by speaking with Prochek in Tachov. If you can't find him, just go to the local inn and speak with the innkeep. That's the guy you're looking for.

Get the Dye and Lullaby Potion

After speaking with Prochek, head to Troskowitz and speak with Bartoshek the tailor to purchase the dye.

For the Lullaby Potion, you'll need to either work for Radovan as an apprentice blacksmith in Tachov or try to charm it out of him. The recipe requires oil, poppy, and thistle. The two herbs can be picked from the little garden right outside the apothecary in Troskowitz.

Once you've brewed the potion, go to Zhelejov and pour it into the bull's trough. Once the bull falls asleep, move towards it and interact with it to start painting on it.

At this point, you can return to Prochek to tell the task has been completed. You can also speak with Olbram to start the Frogs side quest, and help him get revenge on Tachov.

How to Start Frogs for Olbram in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

You can find Old Olbram in Zhelejov near the meadow, and agree to bring him the maypole to start the Frogs side quest. This will task you with stealing the Tachov maypole at night.

Steal the Maypole

Head to Tachov in the evening, then walk towards the maypole slowly. You'll find Henrik standing guard there, and you can knock him out, but you can also charm him if you have high enough Speech.

Bicaralah dengan Henrik dan tanyakan padanya tentang Manka, dan Anda akan dapat membujuknya untuk membiarkan Anda mengatur tanggal rahasia untuk mereka berdua saat Anda mengawasi Maypole. Speak with Manka back at the inn to tell her about the date, then come back to Henrik. Once Henrik leaves, climb up the maypole and chop it down.

Return to Olbram to tell him the job is done, and he'll praise you and ask you to do one more thing for him. This time, he'll ask you to chase the sheep out of the pasture in Tachov, and also hand you a digestive potion to be given to Alshik.

Pada titik ini, Anda dapat melihat pencarian melalui, atau memberi tahu Prochek tentang rencana Olbram untuk mengakhiri kedua pencarian dan mengakhiri shenanigans konyol.

And that's everything you need to know about Prochek, Olbram, and the Mice and Frogs quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . Be sure to search up site for more tips and information on the game, including whether you should kill Jakesh, and the best perks to get first.