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빌드 방어에서 모든 재난을 생존하는 방법

저자: 익명의 업데이트 시간: 2025-03-22

From Water and Lava Floods to Orbital Strikes and Zombies, a lot of things want you dead in Build Defense . I'm here to guide you through each Disaster event so that you can come out alive and earn some coins. Here's how to survive all Disasters in Build Defense .


  • All Disasters in Build Defense and How to Survive Them
  • How to Survive Monsters in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Water Flood in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Lava Flood in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Tsunami in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Lava Tsunami in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Tornado in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Meteor in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Watcher in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Bombs in Build Defense
  • How to Survive UFO Invasion in Build Defense
  • How to Survive Orbital Cannon in Build Defense

All Disasters in Build Defense and How to Survive Them

Surviving all Disaster events in Build Defense is crucial because each one grants you a Win, Coins, and possibly a gem. You'll easily be able to prepare for Disasters with our guides below and you even get notified of them with 130 seconds to prepare. Up to two can occur each day and the Zombie swarm comes at night. Here are all of them listed and then let's dive into each one separately:

  • Zombie Swarm (Night)
  • Water Flood (Day)
  • Lava Flood (Day)
  • Tsunami (Day)
  • Lava Tsunami (Day)
  • Tornado (Day)
  • Meteor Strike (Day)
  • Watcher (Day)
  • Bombs (Day)
  • UFO Invasion (Day)
  • Orbital Cannon (Day)

How to Survive Monsters in Build Defense

Surviving the nighttime Monster Event is all about a good shelter. You'll have a kickass shelter and tons of expensive guns and turrets as you play but this is what you should do for your first few nights:

  • Shelter : Focus on building a good shelter with wood blocks and with no Glass (Windows) since zombies can break glass. I would make an 8×8 walled square of Wood Blocks that's at least 5 Blocks high with a single door to start. Then, fill out the roof except for one line of blocks where you'll build ladders up on the roof. Climb on the roof then build a fence around your roof with Wooden Blocks so that you can shoot from here.
  • 첫 번째 총 : 더 나은 총을 위해 더 많은 승리를 거두기 전에 추천하는 Sherrif부터 시작하여 상점에서 첫 번째 총을 구입할 수있는 동전이 충분합니다. Get more Coins with our Build Defense codes. Shoot at monsters from your roof and have your doors closed.
  • 포탑과 스파이크 : 남은 동전을 사용하여 방어 블록 섹션에서 건물 아래에있는 하나의 포탑을 구입하여 대피소가 너무 높지 않은 경우 문 앞이나 지붕에 배치하십시오. Lastly, place Spikes from the Defense section around your Door. 이것들 중 어느 것도 당신을 손상시키지 않을 것입니다. 당신에게 무리를 짓는 괴물 만 있으므로 스파이크와 포탑이있는 문 위의 지붕에 자신을 배치하십시오.

This will easily get you past the first Zombie event and its multiple waves for an easy Win and Coins for better gear next night. From here, simply buy better guns, turrets, and traps and you're good to go.

How to Survive Water Flood in Build Defense

This is the easiest Disaster event to survive. Just be ready when the water starts rising and then mash jump on the water as it rises. 그것은 높이가 30 블록에서 최고점에 도달 할 것이며 산소를 잃지 않도록 계속 점프해야합니다. 또는 사다리가있는 1 블록 기둥을 만들거나 블록 (방어)에서 스쿠버 장비를 구입할 수 있지만 점프 할 수 있기 때문에 필수는 아닙니다.

How to Survive Lava Flood in Build Defense

Now Lava Flood is much more dangerous than Water Flood because it kills you instantly. I would buy a Lava Suit from the Defense tab in Blocks that allows you to swim inside of it and just keep jumping to stay on top of the flood. Otherwise, build a pillar of at least one block upwards and place ladder blocks so that you can climb up to high ground. It's important to start climbing before the Lava starts since it might catch you as you climb and kill you.

How to Survive Tsunami in Build Defense

Once this event appears and the timer runs out, a massive tidal wave will spawn and rush forward from the sea and Merchant to the plots. There are two ways to survive it:

  • Higher Ground : Unlike the Water Flood, we can't just jump on the water. 쓰나미는 빌드 높이 제한 (게임 패스없이)까지 거의 설정 높이를 가지므로 사다리가있는 기둥을 안전으로 올라갈 수 있습니다. 숙련되고 빠르면 준비된 건물없이 더 높은 곳에 도달하기 위해 점프하면서 블록 기둥을 만들 수도 있습니다.
  • Hide Underground : You can also survive by hiding underground in any natural structure or your own underground build.
  • Scuba Suit : Buy a Scuba Suit to avoid getting drowned.

How to Survive Lava Tsunami in Build Defense

This is the same event as with the Tsunami but the lava kills you instantly. Use the same methods to survive it as with the Tsunami. I would just have a pillar with ladders to climb above 30 Blocks just to be safe.

How to Survive Tornado in Build Defense

The Tornado is another Disaster that instantly kills you but there are two ways to survive it:

  • Hide Indoors : You can take shelter in any enclosed space with no openings. Wait in here while event ends to survive.
  • 음모에서 도망 가라 : 토네이도는 보통 음모 주변을 돌며 음모와 바다에서 언덕으로 가면 피난처없이 걸어서 피할 수 있습니다. I just hid near the UFO in the hills and the Tornado never went there.

How to Survive Meteor in Build Defense

Meteor Strikes are similar to the Tornado but they fall randomly killing anything in the explosion radius. To survive Meteors just hide in an area with a roof of some sort. 폭발에 의해 잘리지 않도록 충분히 넓은 블록 층이있는 한 밀폐 된 공간 일 필요는 없습니다.

How to Survive Watcher in Build Defense

The Watcher event spawns a massive eye in the sky from the hills area opposite the sea. Any player in the line of sight will lose health gradually, so all you have to do is block the line of sight. You can either have a prepared wall or shelter, or you can build one on the spot. As long as the eye doesn't have a line of sight, you won't take damage and you'll survive the event when it ends.

How to Survive Bombs in Build Defense

Survive Bombs 이벤트는 비행기가 섬에 팽팽 해지는 유성 파업과 비슷합니다. Simply take shelter below a layer of blocks or an enclosed space to survive. You can even just dodge them out in the open since they have a delayed explosion. I would just be careful since they can sometimes roll away or to you when they hit the ground.

How to Survive UFO Invasion in Build Defense

The UFO Invasion is a special Disaster because it acts like an enemy that can be killed. A bunch of UFOs will appear in the sky and start shooting players outside of cover. You have two options:

  • Survive : You can easily survive the event just by hiding in an enclosed space where the UFO won't target you.
  • Kill the UFO s: If you have guns, you can kill the UFO for Coins just like any enemy. 본질적으로 UFO를 농장하고 재난 승리와 동전 외에 더 많은 보상을받을 수 있기 때문에 초보자가 아니라면 훨씬 더 나은 전략입니다. Just make sure to have cover or shelter nearby so you can hide in case you can get overwhelmed.

How to Survive Orbital Cannon in Build Defense

The Orbital Cannon is one of the trickier ones where a red laser will appear somewhere as the event starts. This thin laser tracks players and then, after a delay, an Orbital Cannon will shoot a laser beam killing any players in its path. Note that you cannot hide inside buildings or any shelter since the Orbital Cannon penetrates blocks. 나는 플롯 사이의 두 컨베이어 벨트 인 가장 쉬운 방법으로 계속 움직이고 수평으로 피하려고하는 것이 좋습니다 . Unlike other Disasters, your reward will include more Coins and even Gems .

That's it for my guide on how to survive all Disasters in Build Defense . Stay tuned to site for more Build Defense guides.