The most important thing in Subterra after mining, of course, is crafting! But how do you do it, and where do you find all the crafting recipes and resources? Well, you'll learn all that and more in our complete Subterra crafting guide and recipe list below. So, scroll down, and let's start crafting!
The first step to start crafting in Subterra is to find the Crafting Altar, which is on the right side of the main plaza. The exact coordinates of the altar are X: 41, Y: -1 (you can check your current coordinates in the top left.).
Once at the Crafting Altar, equip the items into your hotbar (open inventory and then equip each item) and place them one by one on the 4 pedestals in the altar's corners. If you place the items according to a recipe, the altar will light up, and you can then interact with the pedestal in the middle to craft the item. Here are some notes regarding the crafting altar:
The default way of discovering crafting recipes in Subterra is to find them as drops. Then, you can consume the recipe item to learn how to craft it. However, you can also craft the item without learning the recipe in-game by copying it from our list or some other source. Once you craft the item for the first time this way, you'll learn the recipe forever and have it appear in your codex on the bottom left.
In the table below, you will find the list of crafting recipes in Subterra. There are still some recipes that we haven't discovered, but we'll keep updating the list until it's complete. If you discover anything that we haven't included, let us know in the comments!
Item | Recipe |
Small Health Potion | 1x Water Flask: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant 2x Roots: Mine roots 1x Life Shard: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant |
Stone | 4x Rock/8x Rock/12x Rock/16x Rock: Mine stone blocks |
Sticky C4 | 3x Slime Chunk: Drops from Slimes 1x C4: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant |
Sticky Dynamites | 3x Slime Chunk: Drops from Slimes 1x Dynamites: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant |
Sticky Dynamite | 3x Slime Chunk: Drops from Slimes 1x Dynamite: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant |
Small Sticky Bomb | 3x Slime Chunk: Drops from Slimes 1x Small Bomb: Loot from chests, marble pots, and remains; can be bought from the merchant |
Here are all the crafting resources in Subterra, including their difficulty tiers and tips on how to find them. We'll be adding even more info soon to make farming every resource as easy as possible. So, stay tuned for that. Also, note that all of these materials can drop from monsters, chests, and lootables with a very low chance.
Resource | Details |
Copper Ingot | Tier: 3 Rarity: Common How to Get: Smelt Raw Copper |
Tin Ingot | Tier: 5 Rarity: Common How to Get: Smelt Raw Tin |
Iron Ingot | Tier: 10 Rarity: Common How to Get: Smelt Raw Iron |
Silver Ingot | Tier: 14 Rarity: Common How to Get: Smelt Raw Silver |
Gold Ingot | Tier: 18 Rarity: Common How to Get: Smelt Raw Gold |
Platinum Ingot | Tier: 22 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Smelt Raw Platinum |
Cobalt Ingot | Tier: 28 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Smelt Raw Cobalt |
Chromium Ingot | Tier: 30 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Smelt Raw Chromium |
Titanium Ingot | Tier: 34 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Smelt Raw Titanium |
Wolframite Ingot | Tier: 38 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Smelt Raw Wolframite |
Raw Copper | Tier: 3 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Copper blocks |
Raw Tin | Tier: 5 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Tin blocks (start spawning at Y: -80) |
Raw Iron | Tier: 10 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Iron blocks (start spawning at Y: -100) |
Raw Silver | Tier: 14 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Silver blocks (start spawning at Y: -200) |
Raw Gold | Tier: 18 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Gold blocks(start spawning at Y: -200) |
Raw Platinum | Tier: 22 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Platinum blocks (start spawning at Y: -250) |
Raw Cobalt | Tier: 28 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Cobalt blocks |
Raw Chromium | Tier: 30 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Chromium blocks |
Raw Titanium | Tier: 34 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Mine Titanium blocks |
Raw Wolframite | Tier: 38 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Mine Wolframite blocks |
Topaz | Tier: 12 Rarity: Rare How to Get: Mine Topaz blocks (start spawning at Y: -150); drops from Gem Geodes |
Amethyst | Tier: 15 Rarity: Rare How to Get: Mine Amethyst blocks (start spawning at Y: -200); drops from Gem Geodes |
Emerald | Tier: 16 Rarity: Rare How to Get: Mine Emerald blocks (start spawning at Y: -150); drops from Gem Geodes |
Sapphire | Tier: 20 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Mine Sapphire blocks (start spawning at Y: -160); drops from Gem Geodes |
Ruby | Tier: 21 Rarity: Rare How to Get: Mine Ruby blocks (start spawning at Y: -160); drops from Gem Geodes |
Diamond | Tier: 24 Rarity: Legendary How to Get: Mine Diamond blocks (start spawning at Y: -250); drops from Gem Geodes |
Nocturnite | Tier: 40 Rarity: Rare How to Get: Mine Nocturnite blocks; drops from Gem Geodes |
Amethyst Shard | Tier: 15 Rarity: Mythical How to Get: Mine Amethyst Shards within Amethyst geodes |
Moonstone Shard | Tier: 28 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Moonstone blocks |
Citrine Crystal | Tier: 9 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Citrine blocks (start spawning at Y: -90) |
Azurite Crystal | Tier: 33 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Azurite blocks |
Sunstone Crystal | Tier: 36 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Mine Sunstone blocks |
Coal | Tier: 1 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Coal blocks |
Rock | Tier: 1 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine any type of stone |
Ice Shard | Tier: 1 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine different Ice blocks |
Life Shard | Tier: 1 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Drops from monsters, chests, and other lootables |
Water Flask | Tier: 1 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Drops from monsters, chests, and other lootables |
Slime Chunk | Tier: 1 Rarity: Uncommon How to Get: Drops from monsters, chests, and other lootables |
Roots | Tier: 1 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Roots |
Vines | Tier: 1 Rarity: Common How to Get: Mine Vines |
That covers everything you need to know about crafting in the Subterra Roblox experience. For more guides, including the official Subterra Trello link and a complete list of Subterra codes, visit the Roblox category here on Pro Game Guides.