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How to get Dual Wield Weapons in Rune Slayer

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-18

In Rune Slayer, players can equip different Skill Books to enhance their existing abilities or obtain new powerful ones. These items can be obtained by completing quests and defeating enemy NPCs. The Dual Weapons Skill Book allows players to dual wield swords and you can get it by beating the Vangar boss.

How to get Skill Book Dual Weapons in Rune Slayer - Vangar NPC Location

To locate the Vangar NPC and get dual wield weapons in Rune Slayer, you need to visit the Beastman Camp close to Knight's Templar in Lakeshire. I suggest you attempt this boss fight after reaching a certain level and once you've acquired powerful skills. Furthermore, he spawns randomly so you may not find him there every time.

How to reach Lakeshire

Start by heading northwest from Wayshire, the town from where you start your character's journey. Keep walking through the wilderness until you come across a river as shown in the second image above. Avoid the crocodile, swim to the other side, and jump on the surface which I've indicated with a marker. You'll then find yourself a the entrance of the Lakeshire (see the third picture).

How to reach Knight's Templar

Follow the path on your left (first image above) that leads to the southwest direction until you reach a cave that says Knight's Templar. Talk to Roland the lift operator and tell him that you need a lift. Finish the conversation and quickly hop on the wooden platform which will then take you up. Once there, exit the lift and climb the stairs behind you (see third image).

After reaching the top exit, you have two choices: follow the yellow arrow in the image above to reach the Knight's Templar or follow the green markers to go straight to Vangar's spawn point.

If you are a Holy Knight of the Holy Faction, I suggest you first go to the Knight's Templar by sticking to the small path on your right. This will lead you to a chamber with several NPCs inside. Talk to Gunnar at the end of the lobby (see image above) to set your spawn there. Doing so ensures you spawn back at Knight's Templar instead of Wayshire or some other place afar in case you lose to Vangar.

How to reach Vangar boss NPC

Now that your spawn is set close to Vangar, head back to the Bahlgar lift exit which I showed previously. Hug the rocks on your left and climb up a few levels. Keep moving forward in the west direction while sticking close to the rocks so you don't accidentally fall off. Upon reaching the dead end, carefully drop down onto the rocks on your right to reach the point I've shown in the second image above.

In front of you will be a small green field where the boss Vangar spawns. I've indicated this location in the above picture but the NPC wasn't there this time around. He may appear automatically if you wait for a while, or you can simply switch servers until you stumble upon him. Vangar has white hair and carries two swords, one in each hand. Defeating him has a small chance of dropping the Skill Book: Dual Weapons, therefore, you may have to challenge this boss a few times before you get this ability.

The Vangar boss is very quick, uses powerful attack moves, and has a massive health bar. You'll need some patience and strategy to defeat this NPC, perhaps the help of a fellow player to make things easier. Once you've obtained the Skill Book: Dual Weapons, add it to the Ability Slot and equip another sword/dagger in the Off-Hand Slot for secondary weapons in order to dual-wield weapons in Rune Slayer.

For more on Roblox, check out How to easily beat the Vampiric Dragon Lord in Rune Slayer on Pro Game Guides.