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Should You Visit Molly in Atomfall?

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-25

Atomfall features an intriguing variety of different characters that you can encounter during your post-apocalyptic travels. Some offer up insightful banter about the world around you, others open up barter opportunities. Meanwhile, Molly is someone who conveniently offers both, with added incentive. If you want to seek her out, here’s a guide on how to find her.

Who is Molly in Atomfall?

Molly Jowett is one Atomfall‘s various barter traders, who are scattered across the game’s different regions. She’s one of the first traders you can encounter in the game’s starting region of Slatten Dale, though her camp is far north. However, the journey to reach her is well worth it because of what she can offer for a good trade.

Where to Find Molly in Atomfall

Molly is located at the Trader Camp (26.4E, 79.1N) on the northern border of Slatten Dale, a short distance west of the Sewer Entrance. Her shop is set up inside a small ruined building and she’s the only trader you’ll find there.

To help you find your way to her, talk to Nat Buckshaw (seen above) outside the Water Wheels compound for more information. He’s holed up inside a ruined house on the south side of the compound. He’ll tell you to mention his name and the Trader Camp landmark will be marked on your map.

The most direct path to Molly is littered with Outlaws patrolling from nearby landmarks, so take it slow and steady and stay hidden when possible.

How to Get Gossip From Molly in Atomfall


While Molly is first and foremost a trader that you can barter with for some valuable items, she also hints that she can throw in some “local gossip” as a bonus. This is what sets her apart from other traders and why finding her is important.

First, complete a successful barter trade with Molly. It doesn’t matter how many items pass from either party, as long as you complete the trade with her. She’ll then mention recent events she’s heard about in the region and indicate a new “rumored” landmark on your map.

For example, she can point you in the direction of the Convoy Wreckage landmark, west of her camp. This can help save you a considerable amount of time exploring by knowing exactly where to find such landmarks. Also, it further incentivizes trading with her as often as possible, and she does have some decent early-game items on offer.

That concludes whether you should visit Molly in Atomfall. Be sure to check out our other content for the game, including a guide to all achievements/trophies and how to unlock them.