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All Avowed Companions You Can Recruit

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-25

Across Eora, the journey through the Living Lands is perilous. Thankfully, you’ll make it with good company. Avowed has four total Companions, each with their own personality and a set of upgradable abilities. Here is every Companion you can recruit in Avowed.


Kai is one of the earliest Companions you’ll encounter in Avowed. While there are two characters who can join you in the tutorial level, Kai is the first proper Companion who will join your party properly. He is recruited very early in the game when you first reach the port at Dawnshore near Paradis. Kai will approach you right on the dock, and you’ll team up with him to find the Ambassador and the Cleric. From this point on, he will be added to your party until you have three recruited Companions. Once you have three or more, you can swap him out for another at a Party Camp.

In Avowed, Kai is a fierce ex-mercenary with a soft side. In combat, Kai would be described as a tank. He is capable of sustaining – and dealing – lots of damage. He can also use his fire abilities to clear certain obstructions like cobwebs and roots, which can be especially helpful for opening hidden pathways and grabbing loot.

Kai has the following upgradable Abilities:

  • Fire and Ire, Active: Kai fires a powerful shot from his blunderbuss, dealing high stun to a single enemy and taunting them for 10 seconds.
  • Unbending Defense, Active: Kai regenerates his health and increases his damage reduction by 25%.
  • Leap of Daring, Active: Kai crashes down onto the enemy with a mighty leap. This stuns and taunts all nearby enemies.
  • Second Win, Passive: When Kai’s health reaches zero, he revives himself, restoring 50% of his maximum health.


Marius is the second Companion you’ll encounter in Avowed. He has a bit of a history with Kai, and can also be found in Dawnshore. Marius will join your party from the moment you meet him at a bar, where you have the option to either talk his way out of or help him fight through combat with some accosting NPCs.

Marius is an expert hunter and tracker. These traits can be felt in his character in personality, narrative, and gameplay. Marius’ Hunter Sense ability can help the Envoy find loot and crafting materials throughout the Living Lands. His combat abilities also tap into his wild side. Marius is able to attack enemies with a bow and arrow and daggers. He can also bend nature to trap enemies in Roots.

Marius can use the following upgradable abilities:

  • Binding Roots, Active: Marius Roots an enemy in place for 8 seconds.
  • Heart Seeker, Active: Marius takes aim and fires a piercing shot that always hits its target and will pass through any obstacle in its path.
  • Shadow Step, Active: Marius vanishes into a cloud of smoke. He will reappear near an enemy and slash them with his daggers. He will repeat this set of actions up to 3 times.
  • Wounding Shots, Passive: Marius’ attacks deal bleed accumulation.

Related: How To Upgrade Weapons and Armor in Avowed


Giatta is the third Companion you’ll recruit to your party in Avowed. She’s found a bit later into the main quest than Kai and Marius in the Emerald Stair Region at the Fior settlement. Giatta is an animancer, practicing a controversial form of magic within the Living Lands.

Giatta’s powers as an animancer give her a pivotal role in unraveling the spiritual mysteries in the Main Quest of Avowed. In gameplay, her magic abilities can fill a support role in combat. While Giatta doesn’t do a ton of damage in fights herself, she can heal, shield, and buff allies. She also has a unique ability called Spectral Jolt, which can power Essence Generators to open pathways in exploration to find hidden loot.

Giatta can use these upgradable abilities:

  • Purification, Active: Giatta calls forth a wave of energy that heals all allies by 25% of their maximum health.
  • Barrier, Active: Giatta gives all her allies a shield that gives them temporary health for 20 seconds.
  • Acceleration, Active: Giatta increases the move speed and attack speed of all allies for 15 seconds.
  • Reconstruction, Passive: Giatta’s attacks heal all allies a small amount.


Yatlizi is the fourth and final Companion you can recruit for your party in Avowed. Yatzli joins the party in a main quest in the Shatterscarp region within the city of Thirdborn, though she can be encountered in the world earlier.

Yatzli, like Giatta, deals in magic. Yatzli, however, is a damage-focused character. Her spells do tons of damage to enemies, with options to focus on single targets and others that are especially effective with crowd control. Yatzli can also use her magic to clear obstacles in pathways, making her a great member of the team to have when exploring the Living Lands.

Yatzli has the following upgradable abilities:

  • Essence Explosion, Active: Yatzli uses an arcane power that explodes on contact with an enemy. This releases a burst of Essence, as well as powerful explosive damage.
  • Minoletta’s Missile Battery, Active: Yatzli uses a volley of arcane missiles that seek out nearby enemies.
  • Arduos Delay of Motion, Active: Yatzli manipulates arcane energy around an enemy, which slows them for 10 seconds.
  • Blast, Passive: Yatzli’s attacks burst into a small area of effect when they connect with an enemy.

And that is every recruitable Companion in Avowed.

Avowedis available now on PC and Xbox.