In the latest update to Growth of Giggle RP, the developers have added a new badge called Sally. To acquire this, you have to meet an NPC named Sally, who is hidden deep inside a specific map. So, if you are struggling to get the badge, simply follow my instructions given below.
As mentioned earlier, to get this badge, you have to meet the Sally NPC. You can find her inside the Seek Chase map. After logging inside the game, open your menu and teleport to the mentioned map.
Here, follow the glittery Stardust and cross the first two sections. In the third section, instead of taking a right turn(Stardust will point to move right), walk straight down the path to find a raft at the end.
Climb the wooden Raft to start a small cutscene where you will evade various obstacles, and the boat will move automatically. At the end of it, depart from the Raft and climb the staircase.
Now, there will be three paths in front of you — a staircase, an elevator, and an entranceway. Take the stairs and go down to find a big hall where you will meet the Sally NPC near the piano.
Morph into the Seek Character (mandatory to speak with Sally) from your Characters menu. Start interacting with her and keep talking until she says the dialogue, "I found this Somewhere, Maybe I will give it to you... It's a badge." She can say this dialogue anytime during your interaction. It took me nearly 10 to 15 minutes before she uttered the words, and I got my badge. So, be patient and keep speaking with her continuously using the interaction button. Remember, the game will not automatically say that you have unlocked the badge/achievement. Instead, you have to manually close the game and check if you have got the badge from the Badges section under the experience page after the dialogue.
For more on Growth of Giggle RP, Check out How to get the Figure Badge and Morph in Growth of Giggle RP or How to Get all Badges in Growth of Giggle RP