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Темные и темные юридические вопросы, объяснил

Автор: Анонимный Дата обновления: 2025-03-22

Темный и темный игрок Ironmace Games против игрока против вражеского подземелья Crawler, вызвал ажиотаж, и не только потому, что люди с нетерпением ждали этого. So, what were all these legal shenanigans about? If that's what you're wondering, here are the Dark and Darker legal issues, explained.

Why Did Dark and Darker Run Into Legal Trouble?

Dark and Darker’s legal issues, which saw the game temporarily removed from Steam, stemmed from a dispute with a former publisher, Nexon. No, not Nacon; that was a whole different legal drama.

This situation had been going on since at least 2021 when Nexon filed a legal complaint alleging that Ironmace Games had stolen code. Короткая версия заключалась в том, что Nexon говорит, что Ironmace взяла код и активы из отмененного проекта, оставил и пошел, чтобы сделать свою собственную копию игры, над которой они работали. The long version? You might want to strap in for this.

Prior to forming Ironmace, some of the developer's staff worked for Nexon (based in South Korea), developing a game called P3 Project . Согласно заявлению Nexon в 2023 году в США (есть случай США и Южнокорейский случай), проект P3 был фэнтезийной игрой «... где игроки охотятся на предметы, сражаясь друг с другом и монстрами в игре».

Они утверждали, что, хотя проект был отменен, разработчики, которые впоследствии стали Ironmace, украли код и активы, и что « P3 и Dark и Darker - это практически та же игра». Ironmace's Ju-Hyun Choi and Terence Seungha Park (the latter of whom founded the company) were named as well as the company itself.

So, more than just arguing that Darker and Darker is a P3 clone, Nexon alleges that the game uses assets taken from the stolen project. How many assets? The 2023 filing claims that “11,602 P3 Project files” were taken. They also allege that Choi recruited people from Nexon's P3 team to help recreate the game outside of Nexon.

But this was more than just a case of legal back and forth. In response to Nexon's 2021 complaint, the South Korean police raided Ironmace's office. Ironmace claimed that nothing had been taken, but you can bet not a lot of work got done that day.

How Did Ironmace Respond to the Allegations?

Image via IRONMACE

When these issues first arose, Ironmace didn't engage with the media much. But the company did post statements to Reddit and the Dark and Darker discord. One statement (via PC Gamer) read:

“Our code was built from scratch. Most of our assets are purchased from the Unreal marketplace. All other assets and all game designs docs were created in house. This has already been audited by an outside agency. As far as we know you cannot copyright a game genre.”

The statement suggested the stolen code allegations stem from a “..disgruntled 3rd party”. In other words, they were refuting the allegations and pressing on with development. But then, in March of 2024, Dark and Darker was removed from Steam.

Why Was Dark and Darker Removed From Steam?

Nexon filed a DMCA takedown, which led to Valve removing it from the digital storefront in March. Ironmace also received a cease and desist and in response, issued another Discord statement. It also advised players to torrent its latest playtest.

Нексон утверждает, что, согласно их исследованию, «темный и темный, по -видимому, был построен и разработан с использованием торговых секретов и информации о авторских правах, скопированных и украденных из Nexon». We would like to show that these allegations are baseless. No copyrighted materials or misappropriated trade secrets from Nexon were used by IRONMACE.” However, the game is now back on Steam and the Epic Games Store, so you can download it from there. Problem sorted, right? Not quite.

Who Won the Dark and Darker Lawsuit?

The bulk of this legal drama happened in mid-2013, so what happened next? Dark and Darker is back on Steam, so we know that Ironmace Games wasn't forced to stop selling the game. Did this mean they won? Нисколько.

Как сообщает GamesRadar, южнокорейский суд постановил, что, хотя Ironmace не была виновна в нарушении авторских прав, разработчик нарушил коммерческие секреты Nexon. As a result, Ironmace has to pay the equivalent of nearly $6 million in damages. Dark and Darker isn't short on players, with tens of thousands of players diving into the online dungeoneering game. But is it profitable enough for them to eat that cost? We'll have to wait to find out.

Ironmace might have seen the back of this, either. Нексон подразумевает, что они предпримут дальнейшие действия (через PCGamer), и что «после тщательного рассмотрения решения мы планируем обратиться за дальнейшим юридическим решением через высший суд».

And those are the Dark and Darker legal issues, explained.

The above article was updated on 2/20/25 by the original author to include additional information about the legal issues.