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Все элементы и аксессуары в Project Mugetsu (обновление 2.5)

Автор: Анонимный Дата обновления: 2025-03-28

Anime-inspired games like Project Mugetsu are filled to the brim with dozens of items that serve different purposes in the game. Тем не менее, отслеживание того, что делает каждый из них, может быть сложным, поэтому я прохожу каждый предмет проекта Mugetsu и объясню, как его получить.

How to get all items in Roblox Project Mugetsu

Below is a table of all items in Project Mugetsu and how to get them.

Название элемента Редкость Эффекты Как получить
Grey Headband Общий +10 Reiatsu Complete raids
Sunglasses Общий +10 Health Defeat Bambietta Boss or complete Raids
Black Headband Общий +10 Health Defeat Bambietta Boss or complete Raids
Aizen's Glasses Общий +10 Health Defeat Tormenta Boss, participate in events, or complete Raids
Kenpachi's Eyepatch Общий +10 Reiatsu Participate in events or complete Raids
Oetsu's Glasses Необычный +80 Reiatsu
+10 Health
Complete Raids
Giselle's Hat Необычный +50 Reiatsu Defeat Bambietta Boss or complete Raids
Doflamingo's Glasses Необычный +50 Reiatsu
+0.5 dmg
Complete Raids
Sassuke's Obi Необычный +0.8 dmg
+20 reiatsu
Defeat Gravitas Boss or complete Raids
Black Visors Необычный +45 Health
+10 reiatsu
Complete Raids
Gray Wristbands Необычный +1 dmg Complete Raids
Visor Glasses Необычный +45 Health
+10 Reiatsu
Defeat Gravitas Boss or complete Raids
Orochimaru's Obi Необычный x1.2 regen Complete Raids
Purple Glasses Необычный +40 reiatsu Complete Raids
Renji's Headband Необычный +25 Health Participate in events or complete Raids
Kisuke's Hat Необычный +25 Reiatsu Participate in events or complete Raids
Shunsui's Strawhat Необычный +0.8 Damage Participate in events or complete Raids
Ichigo's Headphones Необычный +50 Health
+3 Speed
+125 Reiatsu
Mikasa's Scarf Редкий +1.2 Health Regen
+15 Health
Complete Raids
As Nodt's Mask Редкий +120 Reiatsu Defeat As Nodt Boss or complete Raids
Wristband Chains Редкий +120 Reiatsu
+23 damage
Defeat Nnoitra Boss or complete Raids
Sajin's Hat Редкий +15 Health Complete Raids
Kamina's Shades Редкий +1.2 Damage Complete Raids
Katakuri's Scarf Редкий +200 Health
+100 Reiatsu
+0.7 Damage
Complete Raids
Kaneki's Mask Редкий +350 Reiatsu Complete Raids
Big Gourd Редкий +0.7 Damage
+100 Reiatsu
+20 Health
Defeat Bambietta Boss or complete Raids
Alucard's Glasses Редкий +40 Health
+25 Reiatsu
Defeat Askin Boss or complete Raids
Oni Beads Редкий +1.2 Damage
+15 Health
Defeat Askin Boss, Tormenta Boss, or complete Raids
Rukia's Headscarf Редкий +60 Reiatsu
+0.8 Damage
+20 Health
Defeat Gravitas Boss or complete Raids
Kisuke Cloak Редкий +40 Health
+15 Reiatsu
Participate in events or complete Raids
Toshiro's Scarf Редкий +30 Health
+50 Reiatsu
+0.8 Damage
Defeat Toshiro Boss or complete Raids
Byakuya's Scarf Редкий +25 Health
+45 Reiatsu
+0.5 Damage
Defeat Byakuya Boss or complete Raids
Barragan's Real Crown Редкий +50 Health
+250 Reiatsu
Defeat Arrogante Boss or complete Raids
Barragan's Eye Necklace Редкий +50 Health
+250 Reiatsu
Defeat Arrogante Boss or complete Raids
Asta's BlackBulls HeadBand Редкий +66 Health
+66 Reiatsu
+1 Health Regen
+1 Damage
Rukia's Gloves Редкий +10 Speed
+100 Health
Shinigami Badge Редкий +7 Speed
+75 Reiatsu
+75 Health
+1.2 Damage
Manager's Mask Редкий +75 Health
+100 Reiatsu
+1 Speed
Yoruichi's Ears Легендарный +400 Reiatsu
+0.4 Damage
+1.4 Health Regen
+38 Speed
Complete Raids
Gremmy's Outfit Легендарный +130 Reiatsu
+15 Speed
+1.3 Damage
+1.2 Health Regen
Defeat As Nodt Boss or complete Raids
As Nodt's Outfit Легендарный +130 Reiatsu
+15 Speed
+1.3 Damage
+1.2 Health Regen
Defeat As Nodt Boss or complete Raids
TYBW Rukia Hat Легендарный +200 Reiatsu
+0.8 Damage
+1.5 Health Regen
+15 Speed
Complete Raids
Mahoraga's Wheel Легендарный +90 Health
+90 Reiatsu
+5 Speed
+1.5 Health Regen
+1.05 Damage
Complete Raids
Jotaro's Hat Легендарный +20 Speed
+1.4 Health Regen
+1.3 Damage
Complete Raids
Alucard's Hat Легендарный +130 Reiatsu
+20 Speed
+8 Damage
+1.3 Health Regen
Defeat Nnoitra Boss or complete Raids
Gojo's Blindfold Легендарный +180 Reiatsu
+7 Damage
+25 Speed
Complete Raids
Luffy's Straw Hat Легендарный +220 Health
+360 Reiatsu
+15 Speed
Complete Raids
Captains Puffer Jacket Легендарный +180 Reiatsu
+200 Health
+2 Damage
Defeat Kenpachi Boss or complete Raids
Doflamnigo's Cape Легендарный +150 Reiatsu
+150 Health
+2 Damage
Complete Raids
Marine Cape Легендарный +250 Reiatsu
+250 Health
+1 Damage
Complete Raids
Rukia Chan Легендарный +80 здоровье
+1 Damage
Defeat Bambietta Boss or complete Raids
Yhwach's Cape Легендарный +200 Reiatsu
1.5 Damage
+15 Health
Complete Raids
Barragan's Fit Легендарный +100 Health
+2 Damage
+30 Reiatsu
Defeat Arrogante Boss or complete Raids
Shunsui's Cloak Легендарный +35 Health
+100 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
Participate in events or complete Raids
Head Captains Cape Легендарный +85 Health
+115 Reiatsu
+1 Damage
Defeat Yamamoto Boss or complete Raids
Legendary Orb Легендарный It Rerolls Anything Defeat Bosses, complete Raids, or join AfK World
Ichigo Cape Легендарный +45 Health
+100 Reiatsu
+1.25 Damage
Defeat Ichigo Boss
Captain's Cloak Легендарный +60 Health
+60 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
Defeat Gin Boss, Toshiro Boss. or Byakuya Boss
Kisuke Green Cloak Легендарный +200 Health
+1.5 Health Regen
+250 Reiatsu
+2.5 Damage
+8 Speed
Aizen's Cloak Легендарный +125 Health
+1.2 Health Regen
+2 Damage
+200 Reiatsu
+3 Speed
Wukong Crown Легендарный +10 Speed
+150 Health
+200 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
Toji's Worm Легендарный +100 Health
+1.5 Damage
+2 Health Regen
+4 Speed
Shiniji's Cap Легендарный +420 Reiatsu
+200 Health
+11 Speed
+1.5 Damage
Front Man's Mask Легендарный +200 Health
+200 Reiatsu
+3 Health Regen
+2 Damage
+2 Speed
Hogyoku Легендарный If you use it as a soul reaper. you have a % of the unlocking vizard
If you use it as an Arrancar with Los Lobos or Murcielago, you have a % to unlock Segunda Etapa
Every half an hour, there is a chance of emerging in Karakura Town/Hueco Mundo/Soul Society/Wanderreich
Easter Hat Easter Exclusive +30 Health
+10 Reiatsu
Participate in easter events
Easter Sword Easter Exclusive +1 Damage Participate in easter events
Mai's Bunny Ears Easter Exclusive +65 Health
+100 Reiatsu
Participate in easter events
Easter Cloak Easter Exclusive +60 Health
+60 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
Participate in easter events
4th of July Cloak 4th of July exclusive +60 Health
+60 Reiatsu
Не указан
July 4th Gauntlets 4th of July exclusive +1.5 Damage
United Rush [N]
Missile Blast [Y]
Complete Raids
Akatsuki's Cloak Недоступно +50 Health
+80 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
Tester Reward
Sternritter Outfit Недоступно +100 Health
+100 Reiatsu
+2.5 Damage
+1.5 Health Regen
+10 Speed
Tester Reward
Obito's Mask Недоступно +300 Health
+300 Reiatsu
+2 Damage
+1.5 Health Regen
+5 Speed
Tester Reward
Fake Crown Недоступно +60 Health Tester Reward

How to use Items in Roblox Project Mugetsu

You can put each item you earn in the Inventory bar at the bottom of your screen. Инвентарь имеет 10 слотов, и каждый слот имеет номер в верхнем левом углу, который сообщает вам, какой проект Mugetsu PM управляет нажатием на клавиатуру, чтобы подготовить элемент для использования.

Most items can be used with a simple mouse click, but some items have special functions displayed on the item's details page.

Для получения дополнительной информации о Roblox, проверьте руководство Outpm Soul Reaper - как стать Soul Reaper в Project MugetsuandProject Mugetsu PM Список управлений - Robloxon Pro Guides.