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All 7 Days to Die Console Commands and How To Use Them

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-13

Console commands can be an incredibly helpful tool for gamers. This gives you access to some developer tricks to modify a game in real time. Here’s how to console commands in 7 Days to Die, and what they all do.

How To Use Console Commands and Enter Codes in 7 Days to Die

In 7 Days to Die, players are able to access the command console and enter codes to administrate a lobby, modify status effects, and more. There are two keys that can be used to open the console commands in 7 Days to Die, which are different by region.

On United States or European Union keyboards, press the F1 Key. The second key that can be used to open the command console is region specific. Here’s every option:

  • Use the key on United States keyboards.
  • Use the@key on European Union keyboards.
  • Use the Ö,Ø, or F2key on Scandinavian keyboards.
  • Use the Ñ keyon Spanish keyboards.

Do keep in mind that many of the console command codes are case sensitive and/or require specific brackets, so be sure to write them as written below.

Related: 7 Days to Die – Best Perks List

Every Console Command in 7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die has all sorts of console commands, with all sorts of different functions. Here’s a list of all the currently active console commands you can use in the game.

  • help: Lists all console commands.
  • output: Print commands to log file.
  • outputdetailed: Prints commands and their details to the log file.
  • search: Search for commands matching a specific string.
  • aiddebug: AIDirector debug on/off toggle.
  • audio: Show current audio stats.
  • automove: Set your auto movement.
  • ban add < name / entity id + platform user id > < duration > < duration unit > [reason] [display name]: Ban a player.
  • ban remove < name / entity id / platform user id >: Unban a player.
  • ban list: Shows all players banned on the game server.
  • bents: On/off toggle for block entities.
  • buff: Buffs your player.
  • buffplayer: Buffs another player.
  • camera cam: Lock/Unlock camera or load/save a camera location.
  • chunkcache (shortcut cc): Lists all loaded chunks.
  • chunkobserver (shortcut co): Place a chunk observer.
  • chunkreset (shortcut cr): Reset specific chunks.
  • commandspermission (shortcut cp) [add/remove/list]: Add, remove, or list a command, and set its permission value from 0 to 1000.
  • createwebuser: Create a web dashboard user account.
  • creativemenu (shortcut cm): Toggle creative menu on or off.
  • damagerest: Resets the damage on all blocks.
  • debuff: Debuffs your player.
  • debuffplayer: Debuffs another player.
  • debugmenu (shortcut dm): Debug mode on/off toggle.
  • debugpanels: View debug panels.
  • debugshot (shortcut dbs): Makes a screenshot of debug information.
  • debugweather: Displays current server weather.
  • decomgr: Save a dbug texture that shows DecoOccupiedMap.
  • dms: Control Dyanmic Music.
  • exhausted: Applies exhausted status to your character.
  • expiryfino: Display location and expiry day and time for the next set of chunks expiring.
  • exportcurrentconfigs: Exports current configurations to ConfigsDump folder in the game’s saves folder
  • exportprefab: Exports prefab.
  • floatingorigin (shortcut fo): Set floating origin value or toggle it on or off.
  • ForceEventDate: Sets the game to an event date like a specific Holiday, or shows the current event date.
  • fov: Set field of view.
  • gamestage: Shows value of current Gamestage.
  • getgamepref (shortcut gg): Displays the currently active preferences.
  • getgamestat (shortcut ggs): Displays the current game stats.
  • getoptions: Displays the current game options.
  • gettime (shortcut gt): Displays the in-game time.
  • gfx: Displays the graphics command options.
  • givequest: Type the command and press “Enter” key to display a list of quests. Can also give you a new active quest.
  • giveself < itemname > [qualityLevel=X] [count=X] [putInInventory=true/false] [spawnWithMods=true/false]: Give yourself the specified item.
  • giveselfxp: Give yourself experience points.
  • graph: Makes a graph on the screen.
  • jds: Set the drone commands for the server.
  • kick: Kick a specified player.
  • kickall: Kick every player.
  • kill: Kill the nearest entity to you.
  • killall: Kills every entity in the area.
  • lgo listgameobjects: List every active game objects.
  • lights: Use debug options for lights.
  • listents (shortcut le): List every entity.
  • litplayerids (shortcut lpi): List all Player IDs in the server.
  • listplayers (shortcut lp): List all players in the server.
  • listthreads (shortcut lt): List every thread.
  • loggamestate (shortcut lgs): Log current state of the game to a file in the Data folder.
  • loglevel < loglevel name > < true / false >: Choose which log messages get shown on a connection, for Telnet/Web only.
  • loot: List loot commands.
  • mapdata: Makes an image file of map data.
  • mem: Print memory info and call garbage collector.
  • memcl: Print memory info on client and call garbage collector.
  • memprofile (shortcut mprof): Toggle the UI for the screen Memory Profile on or off.
  • mumblepositionalaudio (shortcut mpa): Use various audio tools for Mumble Position Audio
  • na: Test things in the new HD version.
  • networkclient (shortcut netc): Use client network commands.
  • networkserver (shortcut nets): Use server network commands.
  • newweathersurvival [on/off]: Toggle new weather survival on or off.
  • occlusion [off/full/partial/toggleVisible/togglePrints]: Manage graphical occlusion settings.
  • permissionsallowed (shortcut pallowed or pa): Mask testing permissions.
  • pirs: Not yet active, doesn’t have function
  • placeblockrotations (shortcut pbr): Place every rotation of the block you’re holding.
  • placeblockshapes (shortcut pbs): Place every shape of the variant helper block you’re holding.
  • playerOwnedEntities (shortcut poe): List every player-owned entity.
  • playervisitmap (shortcut pvm): Teleport through a rectangular area which has optional memory logging.
  • pois: On or off toggle for distant Points of Interest.
  • poiwaypoints (shortcut pwp): Adds visual waypoints for the Points of Interest specified.
  • pplist: List of all PersistentPlayer data.
  • prefab: List prefab commands when running the Prefab Editor.
  • prefabeditor (shortcut prefabedit or predit): When in the main menu only, opens the Prefab Editor.
  • profilenetwork: Write network profiling information.
  • profiler: Tools for profiling.
  • profiling: Turns on Unity profiling for the next 300 frames.
  • regionreset (shortcut rr): Reset chunks within the set region, or even the entire world map.
  • reloadentityclasses (shortcut rec): Reload the xml data for entity classes.
  • removequest: Remove a quest so it is no longer active.
  • repairchunkdensity (shortcut rcd): Check chunk densities, with the option to fix them.
  • resetallstats: Resets all stats for achievements.
  • saveworld (shortcut sa): Save the game manually.
  • say < message >: Send message to all clients on the server.
  • ScreenEffect: Set an effect on the screen.
  • sdcs: Change the sex, race, and variant of an entity when applicable.
  • setgamepref (shortcut sg): Set a preference within the game.
  • setgamestat (shortcut sgs): Set a stat within the game.
  • settargetfps: Set the upper limit for the frames per second within the game.
  • settempunit (shortcut stu): Set current temperature to a specified unit.
  • settime (shortcut st): Set current time within the game.
  • show: Show rendering custom layers.
  • showalbedo (shortcut albedo): Toggle albedo on or off in gBuffer.
  • showchunkdata (shortcut sc): Shows some of the current chunk’s data.
  • showClouds: Show a layer of clouds, meant as a command to be used by artists for 7 Days to Die.
  • showhits: Show the locations where an entity has been hit.
  • shownexthordetime: Show the time when the wandering horde event will trigger.
  • shownormals (shortcut norms): In gBuffer, toggle the display of normal maps on or off.
  • showspecular (shortcut spec): In gBuffer, toggle the display of specular values on or off.
  • showswings: Show the arc of a melee swing with visible rays.
  • showtriggers: Set visibility of block triggers.
  • shutdown: Shut down the game.
  • sleep: The main thread will sleep for the amount of seconds selected.
  • sleeper: Draw or list sleeper info.
  • smoothworldall (shortcut swa): Batches some smoothing commands together.
  • spawnairdrop: Spawn an air drop at the player’s location.
  • spawnentity (shortcut se): Spawn an entity at the player’s location.
  • spawnentityat (shortcut sea): Spawns an entity at a specified location.
  • spawnscouts: Spawns zombie scouts.
  • SpawnScreen: Show the SpawnScreen to spawn various entities.
  • spawnsupplycrate: Spawn a supply crate at the player’s location.
  • spawnwandering (shortcut spawnw): Spawn some wandering entities.
  • spectator spectatormode (shortcut sm): On/off toggle for spectator mode.
  • spectrum: Force a selected spectrum for the game’s lighting.
  • stab: Stability command.
  • starve: Set the starving status for the player character.
  • switchview (shortcut sv): Switch the view between first person and third person options.
  • SystemInfo: Show a list of the SystemInfo.
  • tcs: test CoverSystem.
  • teleport (shortcut tp): Teleport your character.
  • teleportplayer (shortcut tppr): Teleport a different player.
  • teleportpoirelative (shortcut tppr): Teleport your character in the POI you’re in with options using XYZ coordinates and direction.
  • testDismemberment (shortcut tds): Toggle dismemberment testing on or off.
  • testloop: Test code within a loop.
  • thirsty: Set the thirsty status for the player character.
  • tppoi: Open a window which allows you to teleport your character to various POIs.
  • trees: Toggles trees on or off within the game world.
  • twitch usage: twitch < command > < params >.
  • updatelighton: Access commands for UpdateLightOn for all materials and players.
  • version: View which version of the game is currently running and show active mods.
  • visitmap: Visit a selected area of the map, with options to run density check on every visited chunk.
  • weather: Settings to control the weather of the game world.
  • weathersurvival: Toggle survival elements related to weather on or off.
  • whitelist: View and manage the entries in the white list.
  • wsmats workstationmaterials: Set the amount of materials for workstations.
  • xui: Use the XUi operations, which can help fix XUI related errors.

And that’s all 7 Days to Die commands and how to use them.

7 Days to Die is available now on multiple platforms.